How Long Dose Your Content Last???

I saw an interesting graphic recently that outlined how long content lasts. It broke down several of the top online marketing avenues: a blog post, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. What did it find? That each of these marketing platforms have a different expiration date for content. A blog post lasts for two years, a Pinterest post is valid for 4 months, YouTube videos last 20+ days, a LinkedIn post is good for 24 hours, an Instagram post will show up well for 21 hours, you can expect Facebook visibility to be about 5 hours and a tweet on Twitter has a lifespan of roughly 18 minutes. This is a huge variation in times. This is also a great insight into the frequency you should be posting different types of content and the time you should take developing each type of content. Let’s take a blog post for instance. This content can last for two years. It’s great because it’s reusable content, but if you want to make it valuable content that lasts then y...